Progress 8: from the carrot and stick to the chair and whip

Fischer Family Trust Education Datalab analysis of Progress 8 has staggering implications. It is crucial we are clear about the impact this new measure will have on our sense of what constitutes a good school. Chart 1 shows Progress 8 measures the subjects children are encouraged to take and that these are correlated to a…

Standing on the shoulders of giants

In education research you often hear people proudly proclaim they carried out a very thorough literature review after carrying out their study. This is getting the cart the before the horse and is a reversal of the order in which a program of research should be carried out. The literature review or introduction section of…

The Statsman Cometh: DfE propose Valued Added as the only indicator for Academy Chains and Local Authorities

Unless we get a different government (and we won’t) Academy Chains and Local Authorities are going to be judged exclusively on their Value Added (that’s right the 1000 something thingy). The Governments Value Added has been around for a long time, but let’s face it it’s been about as popular as Ebola. DfE has…

RAISE in your allowance

It’s a weird thing how much people’s attention is draw to anything highlighted in red. OFSTED/RAISE have just introduced colour coding to perhaps the most important statistic in school education today, the gap between Pupil Premium and others. Highlighting anything in red in performance reports ought to be handled with a great deal of care…

The power of Random in Randomised Control Trials

In all the hubbub about education research and Randomised Control Trials I have seen few signs many fully grasp the real power of this technique – randomisation of who gets the program and who does not. I think closer consideration will excite educationalists at its potential to cut through the fog to give us a…

The worst thing about Progress 8

It’s Geography, that’s the worst thing about Progress 8, just Geography. One of the schools I work in is more deprived and urban than most, they do well in English, did well in Maths previously so can do it again, same for science and I can see them doing alright with modern foreign Languages, (it’s…

The best thing about Progress 8

One view of education is to maximise the number of pupils that achieve a level worth a damn to further study and employers, it takes the stance ‘let’s face it, what’s the point of a D in Home Economics, in the real world’. It says lets churn out as many of those who can engage…